Trampolines are a great way to have fun and bounce around all day. However, the parts that make them fun also make them a huge liability. This is especially true during severe weather with high winds. During such events, you might fear that your trampoline may fly away.
Your trampoline will blow away if the winds are strong enough. Trampolines act like wings the wind can lift up and toss anywhere. It is not uncommon for a trampoline to travel several miles before settling down, usually because it snagged on some wires or a roof.
Fortunately, there are ways to keep your trampoline grounded regardless of how severe the storms passing through your area may get. Br reading further, you will learn the top 5 most popular and effective of these methods.
How Do I Stop My Trampoline from Blowing Away?
Trampolines offer numerous health benefits. They are also fun for your whole family, especially for kids who love to jump around. As such, they are excellent additions for your backyard. However, you only get these benefits if your trampoline stays in one place.
Stop a trampoline from blowing away by using a dedicated trampoline anchoring kit, wind stakes, or sandbags to hold the legs in place during high winds. Ground anchors that screw into the ground and then are strapped to the trampoline work the best.
Unfortunately, any strong wind can cause your trampoline to fly off. Depending on the strength of the wind, your trampoline can end up on a roof down the street, get caught on power lines, or otherwise be damaged beyond repair. Therefore, you always want to secure your trampoline to the ground in some way.
Here’s a link to the ORCC Trampoline We Have and recommend on Amazon as well as the highly recommended Trampoline Anchor Kit to help protect your trampoline.
Luckily, there are many great ways to secure your trampoline from the wind. Some of these ways require more work and effort than others, but they will all do the job.
The main difference between them usually comes down to:
- What you have lying around
- Your budget
- How much time do you have before the next windstorm.
While you should use the method that best fits your situation, the following 5 methods are the most commonly used ways to secure a trampoline.
Here’s compilation video showing why you need to anchor a trampoline:
Trampoline Anchoring Kits
By far, the simplest and usually the cheapest way to secure your trampoline is to use an anchoring kit. This is because your trampoline probably came with one, and it has everything you need to keep your trampoline grounded. As such, you just need to bring out the kit and follow the instructions that came with it.
However, the anchor kit that comes with your trampoline is usually insufficient. So we recommend an upgrade like this Trampoline Anchor Kit from Amazon.
Even if your trampoline did not come with a kit, or you lost yours, you may still want to use an anchoring kit. The anchors bolt your trampoline to the ground preventing any and all motion, including the natural swaying caused by you using it. They are also corrosion resistant. However, standalone kits can get expensive, and you must get the right kit for your type of trampoline and location.
Wind Stakes
If you cannot get anchors for your trampoline, wind stakes are a great alternative. Stakes come in the same sizes and shapes as their anchor counterparts, but their grip is not as durable. As a result, you might have to tighten them after each storm. Luckily, they are easy to install with just a hammer.
The Sandbag Method of Securing a Trampoline
If you do not have the budgets for either anchors or stakes, you can secure your trampoline with sandbags. You just toss the sandbags onto the legs of the trampoline.
Any type of sandbag will do. You can even make your own. Although, you will et the best results using the more expensively constructed sandbags on the market.
Please note that sandbags are only as effective as the number of bags you use. As a result, they can et very expensive if you need a lot of them to secure your trampoline.
Trampoline Leg Bolts and Straps
While not recommended, if you must place your trampoline on a hard surface such as concrete, then your only options are either sandbags or specially designed leg bolts.
Leg bolts work like wind stakes, but you can drive them into concrete, cement, and other hard surfaces. As such, they are a great permanent solution when the other methods fail. Once you drive the bolts into the surface, you can then secure your trampoline to the bolts using heavy-duty straps.
Cover or Move Your Trampoline Indoors
If none of the other methods are available to you, then you can cover it with something heavy such as a tarp. You will have to remove the safety net to use this method but should work under some conditions. Just remember to secure the tarp to something sturdy nearby.
However, this method will not work in severe weather. Therefore, you may want to bring the whole assembly indoors during inclement weather.
What to Do with a Trampoline During a Storm?
The above methods are the only ways to truly secure a trampoline. However, they require time and effort. As much, they might not be ready to use during when the next storm hits.
Luckily the following temporary solutions might do the job until you can install something more permanent.
- Place a large, heavy tire on the mat
- Make sandbags using nearby large rocks, stones, and other heavy objects
- Flip the trampoline upside down
- Move the trampoline to a more protected location such as between some trees or a shed
- Cover your trampoline with something strong ad sturdy
- Secure the trampoline with ropes
- Move the trampoline indoors especially the springs and mat
How Many Sandbags do I Need to Hold Down a Trampoline?
You will need 8-12 sandbags to secure a trampoline properly. Wind speeds vary in different locations. Therefore, the number of sandbags will vary with location as well. That said, placing two sandbags over each leg will secure your trampoline under 40 mile-per-hour winds.
If the winds in your area routinely exceed 40 mph, you will need more sandbags or chose a more permanent solution. Sandbags can shift around in such high winds, lowering their effectiveness as a counterweight. Luckily, you can use the bags in conjunction with a windbreak such as tall buildings, trees, or a high security fence if you have nothing else available.
Here’s a link to the ORCC Trampoline We Have and recommend on Amazon as well as the highly recommended Trampoline Anchor Kit to help protect your trampoline.
Trampolines are a lot of fun, but they can easily blow away in the wind. Luckily, the above permanent and temporary methods will help keep your trampoline secured to the ground.