Welcome to Backyard Sidekick where we share everything backyard related. We are all about making our backyard a fun and safe place for our family to enjoy.
We play sports, games, do some gardening, and of course plenty of backyard projects here and there. We spend a lot of time in our backyard, and over the years we’ve found out what works and what doesn’t. We grew up playing in our backyards, and now with backyards of our own, the tradition continues.
We made this site to help others with any backyard questions they may have. We’ve made it our mission to show you how we do things and show you what works, in a quick and easy to understand way.
Our Story
We grew up spending a lot of time in our backyards, everyday after school, every weekend, we were playing in the yard with our friends and siblings. We would invent games of our own as well as play some of the more popular backyard games.
Now that we’re all grown up with kids of our own, the fun and games haven’t stopped. But now we find ourselves working on many projects around the house, and to be honest, I enjoy putting in the work to make the backyard a better place for the family. The projects we do are mostly maintenance issues that come with having a backyard. But most of what we’ve come across, are things we think a lot of people with a backyard might struggle with.
We have also gotten into gardening in a big way. There are a lot of neat gardening tips and info we share on this site, because we’re in there doing it ourselves, and see a need to share with others. It all started with me making a raised garden bed at my wife’s request, and we’ve been hooked ever since.
I couldn’t list everything we do in our backyard on this page without making it an hour long read. From fixing sprinkler system issues, to building a backyard archery range, and everything in between. We created this website to share what worked for us. There are plenty of failed attempts and struggles along the way, and we hope to save you the hassle of learning the hard way, like we did.
Some Things We Do In Our Backyard

We’ve built our own archery range in the backyard to practice anytime we want.

We’ve built a garden in the backyard, and we’re in it every year growing vegetables for our family.

This might be one of the bigger section on the site because we love playing games in our backyard. From cornhole to tetherball, we’re always looking for ways to have fun.

From basketball to soccer, we promote sports in a big way. A little competition and a lot of exercise is good for just about anybody.

There isn’t a backyard in the world that won’t need a project of some kind at one point or another.