Every now and then arises the opportunity to do something exciting. Whether it be the first time or the hundredth though, what you wear can make or break the experience.
It’s common to wear tight fitting clothes with closed-toed shoes to go ziplining. Because of the hike to the zipline rides, it would be best to wear hiking shoes of some kind. Clothing that covers the stomach and protects the body is preferred.
Basically, what you are looking for is something that provides coverage where the harness is going to be sitting, while also being durable enough to not have the harness dig in uncomfortably and tear. Keep reading for a more in-depth explanation as to what you should wear ziplining.

What Do You Wear to go Ziplining?
Ziplining can be an exhilarating experience. It’s just flying along on the bare minimum over amazing outlooks. Many people find it freeing and fun, and also a good way to see a lot of land in a short period of time.
Here is some of the recommended attire for ziplining:
- Closed-toed shoes
- Tight-fitting sunglasses
- Knee-length or longer shorts/pants
- Windproof jacket
- Shirt that covers the stomach
However, it’s one of those things where wardrobe should be planned ahead of time or risk a lot of discomfort or worse!
Hair for ziplining
Longer hair needs to be worn tied back and relatively low to accommodate the helmet and to not get tangled in the line.
It’s also usually best to not worry too much about fancy styling, as it can be some time before that helmet comes off. Might as well just accept that helmet head is going to be a thing and enjoy the ride.
Helmet for ziplining
While not always necessary, helmets are provided for safety when ziplining. The agency should provide these and will not need to be brought along.
So, just be sure not to pin up hair or wear certain kinds of hats as it will interfere with the helmet. However, some ballcaps and certain other caps might still be able to be worn underneath.
Here’s a video with some tips for ziplining:
Here’s a link to The Zipline Kit We Have and use in our backyard, it comes with everything you need to zipline at home. Also, check out the other Quality Zipline Kits Found Here on Amazon.
Jacket to wear ziplining
While not always necessary, if it’s going to be cool and/or wet, it’s usually recommended to have a wind-proof jacket.
It can also be a good idea for those who are more sensitive to wind to have that additional cover. Alternatively, a long-sleeved shirt or a sweater might be suitable depending on the weather.
Pants to wear ziplining
It’s best to wear a pair of pants ziplining, but shorts can be acceptable too as long as they are at least knee-length. This helps ensure comfort while in the harness by limiting it rubbing against bare skin. This is why it’s not recommended to wear short shorts or thin leggings.
Additionally, skirts are not recommended, as there is almost always acrobatics involved with ziplining and the extra fabric can bunch uncomfortably. Some agencies won’t even allow skirts, as they can interfere with the harness.
Shirt to wear ziplining
It should go without saying that a shirt is necessary. It doesn’t need to have significant sleeves unless it’s cooler or wetter, but it does need to cover the torso. Otherwise, the same issue with wearing short shorts will come into play and the harness will rub uncomfortably against the harness.
Shoes to wear ziplining
Shoes should be well-fitting and secure to the foot when ziplining. Something like a pair of tennis shoes or hiking boots are ideal as they can tie on, whereas something like flipflops or crocs are just going to fall off.
Chances are, ill-fitting shoes are not even going to be allowed to be worn on the line at all depending on the agency, and going barefoot is also not advised.
Sunglasses for ziplining
Chances are, ziplines are going to be out in the bright sun. So, it’s often a good idea to wear sunglasses. However, if they are not tight-fitting, consider getting a strap or something similar to ensure that they don’t fall off midline.
Sunscreen for ziplining
Most of the time, ziplines are above a lot of cover. That means that there is direct sunlight beating down on zipliners. With many excursions being quite some time, it’s just a good idea to have a layer of sunscreen on all exposed skin.
Also, a little bit underneath clothing too along the edges, just in case it moves while on the line. Check local areas for specific recommended SPF and take into consideration personal skin type to choose the appropriate strength.
Can You Wear Jeans to Zipline?
Jeans are definitely fine to wear while ziplining. They are durable, provide coverage, comfortable, and look good in photos. Most people will wear jeans, denim shorts, or other similar things while ziplining.
Are Leggings OK for Ziplining?
Leggings are perfect attire for ziplining. They are comfortable and provide adequate coverage. Just be sure not to wear thin leggings, as they need to be durable to withstand the harness. Besides, thicker are going to be more comfortable, since the harness won’t be as noticeable.
Where Do You Put Your Phone When Ziplining?
The best place to store your phone while ziplining is in a secure pocket. Something with a zipper is the best, as it won’t have the opportunity to become loose and fall out. Just remember that ziplining also requires a five-point harness, so if it’s snug against some of the points, it could break.
Certain carrying bags that will not interfere with the harness is another option many ziplines allow. Alternatively, it can be left elsewhere and not brought on the zipline at all.
That way, there is no risk of losing or breaking it. Some services offer alternative ways to take pictures while on the line, which would negate the need for a phone.
Here’s a link to The Zipline Kit We Have and use in our backyard, it comes with everything you need to zipline at home. Also, check out the other Quality Zipline Kits Found Here on Amazon.
For the most part, when ziplining attire should offer coverage at least where the harness is going to rest. From there, accessories should be secured tightly to ensure that nothing will fall off, get tangled, or end up broken.
Almost always, the agency will provide a helmet, so making sure that any hair styling will comfortably fit in the helmet is also necessary to ensure safety.
Basically, pick something comfortable yet durable that provides adequate coverage, and it should all be smooth flying across the line! Ziplining can be an amazing experience, so don’t ruin it with improper attire!