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How to Grow Oyster Mushrooms: Growth and Care Guide

As one of the simplest types of mushrooms to grow in your garden, is the oyster mushroom. Getting started on the path to creating your oyster mushroom garden is easier than you might imagine. Not only are these mushrooms tasty and nutritious, but they also can be grown in a variety of soil conditions. This makes them a popular item to add to virtually any garden.

To grow oyster mushrooms you must start by inoculating the spawn with some type of substrate. Then you’ll need to incubate them in a dark area. After the incubating process you can then start the fruiting process.

If you are interested in growing your oyster mushrooms, this guide will tell you exactly how to go about it. Continue reading, and you will discover how to go about choosing the specific type of mushroom you want to grow. We’ll discuss the steps required to do it effectively and supply the answers to other questions you might have. 

Why Should You Grow Oyster Mushrooms?

Before you decide to dedicate a portion of your home garden to any type of vegetable, you should first understand the reasons for doing so. With oyster mushrooms, you will find that these culinary delights grow quickly and under the harshest of conditions. 

There is a reason why so many people worldwide turn to these types of mushrooms as a staple in their diet. They are healthy and can be added to virtually any meal. You will love how quickly they replenish themselves in your garden, almost growing year-round. 

3 Steps to Growing Oyster Mushrooms

As you plan to grow your oyster mushrooms, it is important to remember a few steps involved in the process. These steps are quite easy to master. In the end, you will find that the mushrooms begin to grow quickly and with minimal amounts of upkeep. 

Inoculate the Spawn

Once you have your oyster mushroom spawn, you will want to mix them with some type of substrate material. Some popular choices include:

  • StrawSawdust
  • Sand
  • Coffee grounds

To do this effectively, it is recommended that you place everything into some plastic bags that you have punctured with small holes. These serve as filters that allow for the free exchange of air. This will start the process of growing the oyster mushrooms. 

Incubate the Mushrooms

Once you have your bags all set up, it is time to get them in a dark location. Depending on where you are in the world, you may need to get a bit creative here. Ideally, you are looking for a dark area that is kept a bit warm. 

The ideal temperature to start the incubation process is between 68 and 75 degrees F. This will jumpstart the first phase of the growing process. Remember that the area should be kept primarily dark and free from the effects of sunlight.

If you can get your spawn and substrate material in the right environment, you will notice some tremendous action taking place within only 10-14 days of beginning the incubation process. You will notice that the spawn begins to grow like a web of roots. This is an indication that the spawn is colonizing throughout the substrate material. 

Start the Fruiting Process

Once your spawn has pretty much colonized the area around the substrate material, it is time to start the fruiting process. This is when you start to see the results of your effort.

You will want to expose each of the bags to conditions that simulate the fall season as much as possible. This means you will want them to be in a place that contains some fresh oxygen, humid conditions, with little light and cool temperatures. While those are the ideal conditions, you will just want to do your best to simulate them as much as possible. 

Once you get the bags into the correct position, the spawn will sense that it is time to start creating the mushrooms you have been looking forward to. At this time, you will notice the iconic small pins that oyster mushrooms are known for start to appear. 

Here are a few key indicators of the fruiting process:

  • The pins will grow quickly – Once you start to see tiny pins growing in the bag, you will notice that they grow into a bunch of full-size oyster mushrooms within a week. 
  • Get ready to harvest in seven days – That’s right. Oyster mushrooms will harvest in only seven days once the fruiting process has begun. 
  • One crop equals three harvests – You will be able to pick your oyster mushrooms three times in just one crop. As soon as you pick a crop, another one will be ready within only 7-14 days.
  • Eight weeks is all that is required for three crops – Put another way, you will be able to pick three different crops of oyster mushrooms within just 5-8 weeks of the fruiting process commencing. 

That is really all there is to growing your oyster mushrooms at home. Following this simple procedure and getting the right environment will give you many healthy items within a short span of time.

Here’s a helpful video showing this process of growing oyster mushrooms with more info below:

Choosing the Right Type of Oyster Home

As you prepare to grow oyster mushrooms at home, you will first want to decide which strain you wish to grow. There are several different ones to choose from, so it will come down to personal preference. Here are some of the more common ones that you can easily grow in your home garden.

Pearl Oyster Mushrooms

This is perhaps the most common type of oyster mushroom. You may hear these referred to as the winter oyster or grey oyster mushroom. If you live in a cold-weather environment, this is probably your best bet as they tend to thrive in such conditions. 

Blue Oyster Mushrooms

You will recognize these by their iconic blue tips. Predominantly grown in the Northern hemisphere, they are closely linked to the common Oyster. Many people love growing these because they grow the quickest of all of the various varieties of oyster mushrooms. Keep in mind that they grow best when in temperatures ranging from 45-65 degrees F.  

Phoenix Oyster Mushrooms

These are also known by the name of:

  • Summer
  • Italian
  • Indian

They grow great in warmer climates. Depending on what type of strain you grow, they will be signified by white or tan color on the tips. These are also commonly sold in supermarkets because of their ability to thrive in various types of environments.

Golden Oyster Mushroom

Goldens are quite beautiful. You may hear them called Yellow Oyster Mushrooms because of their rich and vibrant color. They also look like a Chanterelle mushroom. These are also more easily grown in warmer climates where the temperature is between 64 and 86 degrees F. 

Pink Oyster Mushroom

If you are looking for a variety of oyster mushroom that really grows fast, this would be it. These will typically begin producing fruit in only 3 or 4 weeks. They are also grown best in conditions ranging from 64 to 86 degrees F. 

King Oyster Mushroom

This is a popular type of oyster mushroom. It is also called the Eryngii mushroom. It has a meatier flavor and richer texture when compared to other varieties of oyster mushrooms.

Keep in mind that they are a bit more difficult to get started with the growing process. They also tend to thrive in cooler conditions between 45 and 65 degrees F. 


Now that you know how to choose your type of oyster mushroom and grow them in your garden at home, it is time to get started. You will love how easy these are to cultivate once you get the hang of it. Enjoy the process, and you will love the taste that results in the end. 

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