Are you considering going ziplining and want to know how long it takes? You may think a ziplining tour is all about the ride, but it is more complex.
On average, a ziplining tour takes about 60 to 90 minutes, and the ride usually lasts about a minute or two per zipline. Riding between 5 to 10 ziplines on a tour is common. However, there are longer zip line tours you will likely need to travel to ride.
Ziplining may be one of those bucket list accomplishments you need to experience at least once. To find out more about how long ziplining takes, check out this article.

How Lengthy Are Average Ziplines?
Zipline tours are usually about 60-90 minutes; although, stake about 150 minutes. This includes training, orientation, and the ride itself.
Some examples of authentic zipline tours:
- Turtle Back Zoo of Essex County, located in West Orange. New Jersey takes about 60 to 90 minutes.
- The Original Canopy Tour at Hocking, Rockbridge, Ohio, requires two and a half to three hours
- KapohoKine Adventures Zipline through Paradise, Hilo, Hawaii, takes four hours
- TreeRush Adventures situated at Fontenelle Forest in Bellevue, Washington, takes about two hours and forty minutes
Zipline tours can be fun if you stay safe and follow the rules. Canopy tours often take their route from beautiful and majestic mountainous areas, fixed between platforms built in trees.
How Will You Spend Your Time on a Zipline Tour?
The time you spend ziplining depends on which tour you take. You will not be spending the entire time riding the zipline. The following includes what you will be doing during your ziplining experience:
You Will Ride on a Tour Bus
For some time, at the beginning of the zipline tour, you will ride in a bus or van to the site. For some courses, you will need to walk to the site.
You Will Be Part of the Orientation
The orientation part of the tour will help you learn more about ziplining and how to ride. The information you know is essential to guide and teach you how to be safe.
The amount of time orientation takes depends on the organization you are using. The orientation is the most critical part of the zipline tour.
Safety Equipment
You will need safety equipment to zipline successfully. The safety equipment will protect you and bring you down the zipline safely.
Some of the equipment:
- Pulleys
- Trolleys
- Lanyards
- Carabiners
You will also need a harness and ensure the equipment is not damaged. The zipline crew will help you adjust and prepare for a fun ride.
Time to Zipline
Ziplining is the best part of the tour! You will get to experience a true thrill. Many zipline tours are also educational, as they explain the area’s trees, land, and animals.
Unfortunately, the zipline ride is usually a lot shorter than you want it to be. The actual ride tends to last for only about a minute. Most people go on a zipline tour for the experience as a whole.
Here’s a video showing a zipline process:
Here’s a link to The Zipline Kit We Have and use in our backyard, it comes with everything you need to zipline at home. Also, check out the other Quality Zipline Kits Found Here on Amazon.
Where Are the Longest Ziplines in the World?
Ziplines can be fun, and some of the most fun ones are longer and more fascinating. You get to see amazing natural scenery, the forest, and animals. You can see magnificent mountains, lush greenery, incredible landscapes, and other great stuff. The following includes some of the longest ziplines globally:
Jebel Jais Flight
Located in the United Arab Emirates the globe’s lengthiest zipline is Jebel Jais Flight. This zipline tour has unforgettable scenery with epic mountain peaks and deep canyons.
You will soar high above the Arabian Gulf for three minutes at adrenaline-pumping speeds between 120 kmph and 160 kmph. The length of the zipline is the length of twenty-eight soccer fields.
Copper Canyon ZipRider
Copper Canyon is in Chihuahua, Mexico. You are riding at 84 mph above a field of corn and bean crops for two minutes and twenty seconds. Riders soar above three different canyons, and thrill seekers encounter a vertical drop is over 1,450 feet.
El Monstruo
El Monstruo, also known as Puerto Rico’s “Monster” zipline, is 8,300 feet long. It can get up to speeds of up to 95 mph as you fly high above the mountains of Orocovis. If you are stoic enough to try this, you will love it. If you are too afraid, the park has smaller, less intense zip lines.
How Fast Do You Go Down a Zipline?
The speed of each zipline ride varies, but on average, it is between 30 to 50 mph, certainly faster and more intense than a hot air balloon ride. Certain factors affect the speed:
Your Weight
Not only does speed affect how fast you travel down a zipline, but so does acceleration, as the rope constantly changes as the object moves on the zipline. Heavier people require more power to move on the zipline, and they go down faster because the heavier the object, the more its force due to gravity increases.
Gravity and Angle
Gravity determines how fast you go down the zipline, but the angle is also significant. If the slope is gentle, you will travel down more slowly, whereas a steep angle makes for a faster ride. Gravity pulls down to the ground, which means if you fall on an incline, the acceleration decreases, and you move slower.
Friction slows you down on a zipline, and you go down the line in a trolley. The trolley has wheels, making the friction lower.
Without this fantastic set of wheels, you’d be moving too slowly to get the thrill you seek. When you brake at the end, friction slows down the ride.
Air Resistance
A fast-moving object experiences more air resistance, and as you start, you are moving faster. The further down the zipline, the more stable the speed becomes.
Air resistance opposes objects in motion. Air resistance depends on speed and surface area.
Length of the Line
The longer the zipline, the faster you travel. Gravity functions on longer lines; the longer the line, the more likely you will attain maximum speed.
Shorter ziplines equate to a shorter ride, which is a bummer and a non-starter for those thrill seekers. Bottom line: if you want to wet your pants, you want longer lines with higher speeds.
How Long Does the Longest Zipline Last?
According to the Guinness World Records, Jebel Jais Flight is a continuous zipline of 2,831.88 m. Copper Canyon in Mexico takes a close second place and was originally in first place until Jebel Jais Flight opened to the public.
Here’s a link to The Zipline Kit We Have and use in our backyard, it comes with everything you need to zipline at home. Also, check out the other Quality Zipline Kits Found Here on Amazon.
On average, a ziplining tour takes about 60 to 90 minutes. However, the actual ziplining only takes about a minute unless you go to one of the longest ziplines on the Globe. It may be worth it to those who want to feel exhilarated and experience a once-in-a-lifetime thrill.