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How Do Goats Get Polio? Common Causes and What To Look For

Polio is a disease that can quickly become life-threatening. Some with the disease don’t have symptoms, but others can develop life-threatening symptoms in the body. Goats are one of the few species that can get polio. Once they develop the disease, it can be deadly and kill the animal. How do goats get polio?

The main reason goats get polio is due to a thiamine deficiency. They can also develop the disease from sulfur toxicity and improper feeding. Any item that interrupts the life of rumen microbes can cause polio to come to life.

If you’re interested in learning about how goats get polio, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn more about how to prevent goat polio, if it’s contagious in goats, and the major causes of the disease in these creatures. The more you know, the better for your herd. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started.

How Do You Prevent Polio In Goats?

There are healing options if a goat gets polio. However, the best way to protect goats is to prevent the disease altogether. There are many methods to keep polio out of your herd. These are practical and much more affordable than paying for a way to get rid of polio once the goat already has it.

Here’s how you can prevent polio in goats:

  • Check the sulfur levels in the water
  • Ensure good-quality food and water in the goat’s diet
  • Keep mold out of the food
  • Get rid of high-grain intake

These can help keep the disease at bay in your herd.

Of course, there is still a chance your goat herd may get polio. Still, these actions may keep polio out of the goat’s system for as long as possible.

  • What if you do notice a goat that has polio?
  • Should you be concerned about the disease spreading to other goats, or is it relatively self-contained within one animal?

Here’s a helpful video showing what Polio in goats might look like:

Goats are happier when they have things to play with. Look through these Goat Toys on Amazon for inventive feeders and large balls or toys for your goats.

Is Polio In A Goat Contagious?

It can be scary to see a goat come down with polio. The disease is debilitating, and you may fear the entire herd is in danger of catching this disease from the ill party. Is polio in a goat contagious? Do you need to separate a sick goat from the rest of the herd?

Polio in a goat is terrifying, but it’s not contagious. It is a result of a lack of vitamins, not bacteria. The disease cannot spread through microorganisms and typically stays confined to one goat.

Of course, one goat with a vitamin deficiency may point to an issue in your group. Ensure you check other goats for polio if you notice one of your creatures with indications of the disease. It could mean you’re feeding your animals incorrectly.

Is Polio Common In Goats?

Polio might sound like it’s an abstract disease that doesn’t appear often, but that’s not the case with goats. This trouble is one of the most common in goats and sheep, and it can severely harm herds. Farmers have been dealing with the issue of polio for years and years.

  • Polio in goats is not the same as polio in humans.
  • Unfortunately, goat polio is a disease that can cause death within a day or two if left untreated.
  • The fact that polio is common makes it tricky for many goat owners to keep their animals alive.

Luckily, there are tons of obvious symptoms when it comes to polio in goats. Let’s talk about a few main ones to help you spot the trouble in your goat before it’s too late. What are some of the common symptoms of polio?

What Are Symptoms Of Polio In Sheep And Goats?

Polio in goats and sheep can be deadly if left untreated for too long. It’s critical to check for symptoms in your animals, as these are your best indication of the need for lifesaving treatments. Many common polio symptoms present themselves in goats and sheep. (source)

Here are a few symptoms of polio in sheep and goats:

  • Depression
  • Off-feeding
  • Diarrhea

These indicate there is something wrong with the brain.

These symptoms get worse fast in a goat with polio. It will be clear they are not acting like their usual selves, and something is off.

Unfortunately, diagnosis and treatment of polio in a goat can be tricky. That’s why it’s critical to take your goat to the doctor as soon as possible to help them get the diagnosis they need to survive. Thiamine is one solution.

Where Can I Buy Thiamine For Goats?

If your goat has lower thiamine levels than it should, you need to increase its natural intake as soon as possible. However, it can be confusing to locate this item if it’s your first time raising goats. Thiamine sounds like something that would be tricky to find on the market.

Where can you find thiamine for ill goats?

Here are a few places you can locate thiamine for your goats:

  • Through your veterinarian
  • At a feed store
  • Online Here from Amazon

If you can’t find them, you may need to talk to a local goat owner for additional help.

The best place to get thiamine is through a local vet. The concoction they offer in this location is much more concentrated, which makes it possible to provide the goats with as much thiamine as possible. Speak to your veterinarian if you think more thiamine will be necessary.


It can be scary to see a goat come down with polio. It’s caused by nutritional deficiency (source), which is why it’s critical to keep up with your animal’s diet. If you notice symptoms of polio, it’s vital to take your animal to the vet as soon as possible to start treatment.

We hope this information was helpful! There’s a lot to consider as a goat owner, and the potential for polio is one of them. You need to be aware of what polio looks like and how to prevent it.

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